The main theme of our workshop, which will be held at the International Istiklal Symposium, is "Earthquake, Space and Health Care". Environmental changes after the earthquake affect individuals; It affects physically, socially, economically, and psychologically. Place: It has important properties for health. In this context; It is thought that changes in space, the time period during which space changes, and the continuity of space change will also change the health needs of individuals. Earthquake-related spatial changes generally create both emergency care problems and chronic care problems in physical health care. Problems may arise regarding the effective provision of rehabilitation services, especially in the later stages of limb loss and interventions, shock, bleeding, and dehydration. It is predicted that the change in space caused by the earthquake may manifest itself with psychological problems such as "Separation Anxiety, Mourning, Loss, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, Depression, Loneliness...".
The purpose of this workshop is; The aim of this study is to present results on how the health care needs arising from earthquake-related spatial changes may affect individuals in the future. This purpose will be explained with a futuristic approach. In addition, it is planned to discuss the emergency care services needed depending on the location in the workshop.
First session (February 7, 2024 - Morning Session):
In the first session, "Emergency Care Services in Bio-Psycho-Social Dimension" will be discussed. Disruptions in the management of emergency care services after the earthquake. Acute and chronic psychological changes and interventions of individuals and the need for long-term rehabilitation will be discussed. As a result of the discussions, it is expected that the priority problems of emergency care services in the bio-psycho-social dimension will be determined.
Second Session (February 7, 2024 - Afternoon Session)
In the second session, the study "Solution Suggestions in the Bio-Psycho-Social Dimension of Emergency Care Services" will be carried out regarding the problems identified in the previous session.
Reporters working in the groups will report the topics discussed, problems, solution suggestions, and evaluations regarding the bio-psycho-social intervention of emergency care services. The report results will be shared with the participants with a general evaluation in the closing part of the workshop.
The workshop will be online, and you can find detailed information about the participation fee on the symposium page: Registration and Fee
Workshop Application Form Link: Application Form